Rapid Detection Systems for Bacteria

In the development of bacterial detection systems, Fraunhofer IZI-BB focuses on the speed of analysis combined with the simplest possible application. In general, a method is considered simple and fast if it is possible to distinguish between gram-positive and/or gram-negative bacteria within a few minutes using established techniques and without the usual equipment setup.

This has long been desired by the users (veterinarians, producers of animal food, food processing companies) on site and contributes to a differentiated application of antibiotics.

Our rapid test is based on different refractive indices of different densities as produced by different matrices in a refractometer. The principle is comparable to the analysis of the sugar content as performed by the winemaker with a hand refractometer during the determination of oechsle.

Another method describes a specific, simple and fast detection for bacterial contamination of liquids. Using a new method of antigen production from bacterial mRNA established at Fraunhofer IZI-BB, monoclonal antibodies are produced, which are reduced to Fab fragments and equipped with an optically detectable electron transfer resonance element. A special measurement architecture based on nano-beads enables a visible colour signal to be generated in the presence of the corresponding bacterial germs, which specifically indicates the germs.

Development of an apparatus-free universal sensor for direct bacteria detection - Apparatus-free bacteria sensor

The cooperative project describes a specific, simple and rapid detection of bacterial contamination of water and thus places the project in close relation to the master plans for the food industry and health region-BB in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, thus generating synergistic effects with these two clusters. Using a new method of antigen production from bacterial mRNA established at Fraunhofer IZI-BB, monoclonal antibodies are produced, which are reduced to Fab fragments and equipped with an optically detectable electron transfer resonance element. A special measurement architecture based on nano-beads enables a visible colour signal to be generated in the presence of bacterial pathogens, which specifically indicates the germs.


This project is supported by EFRE funds.

The Fraunhofer IZI-BB thanks the sponsor for the possibility to realize this research project.

  • Antibody-mediated FRET detection > visual evaluation
  • ATP-/NADH-mediated energy cascades > visual evaluation
  • Dipstick-integrated isothermal amplification > visual evaluation
  • Specific germ detection by means of differential refractive index measurement > visual evaluation

  • Universität Potsdam

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  • Kersting S, Rausch V, Bier FF, von Nickisch-Rosenegk M. Rapid detection of Plasmodium falciparum with isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification and lateral flow analysis. Malaria Journal 03/2014; 13(1):99.
  • Kersting S, Rausch V, Bier FF, von Nickisch-Rosenegk M. Multiplex isothermal solid-phase recombinase polymerase amplification for the specific and fast DNA-based detection of three bacterial pathogens. Microchimica Acta 02/2014.