Offline  /  October 14, 2024  -  October 15, 2024

PSP Conference HEALTH

You are cordially invited to attend the most successful conference of the Potsdam Science Park!

The Potsdam Science Park Conference aims to provide insights about the current developments and creates the best opportunities to get to know the PSP community. Together with our partners, we have prepared a program that focuses on the latest highlights, discoveries, research results and products from the capital region on the key topic HEALTH.

The “PSP OFFSPRINGS” session will again welcome PSP-alumni presenting their careers outside academia and entrepreneurs who have settled here at the Potsdam Science Park.


  • Personalized Medicine
  • Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
  • (Digital) Diagnostics


  • »BRANDENBURG HEALTH SCIENCE TALKS (BHS)« will be part of our program as well as a visit to the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses (IZI-BB) on day two of the conference.
  • Our »EXHIBITOR’S TENT« will offer you the chance to display own solutions or connect to companies from the region – get in touch if you are interested to exhibit!